MRTG - can it track individual IPs?
(too old to reply)
2007-06-09 14:15:34 UTC
I have MRTG setup via cfgmaker. It gets info back from the CISCO
router my ISP provided with the T1 service. The graphs that are
generated are for the router's interface, the gateway IP for my
network. But, I have traffic from about 8 active IP addresses
provided by my ISP which the router processes.

I've had it setup this way for over a year now and it has been nice.
But, recently, I've found periods where our T1's bandwidth is getting
maxed up. So, I'd like to track down which of our servers is the
source of the high bandwidth usage. The info I get from MRTG is for
the sum of all our traffic, through the gateway. But, we have 4
servers using 8 or so IPs.

Is there a way to change my MRTG configuration such that I can track
the bandwidth usage on a per-IP basis? I'm looking for something like
1 target/graph-set for each of my 8 IPs.

Holger Petersen
2007-06-10 10:22:24 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
I have MRTG setup via cfgmaker. It gets info back from the CISCO
router my ISP provided with the T1 service.
Which Cisco-Router? Do you have the right to change it's setup?
Post by b***@gmail.com
Is there a way to change my MRTG configuration such that I can track
the bandwidth usage on a per-IP basis?
Yes. You may monitor the switch, where all 8 Servers combine their
output to be feeded to the router...
Post by b***@gmail.com
I'm looking for something like 1 target/graph-set for each of my 8 IPs.
2007-06-12 02:14:43 UTC
Thanks for the response.
Post by Holger Petersen
Which Cisco-Router?
Cisco 2500
Post by Holger Petersen
Do you have the right to change it's setup?
Maybe... When I first setup MRTG, my ISP tech guy alternated the
config on the router to allow me access to the SNMP info. He also
provided the community name. So, he may be willing to adjust the
config, if I ask.
Post by Holger Petersen
Yes. You may monitor the switch, where all 8 Servers combine their output to be feeded to the router...
My router is not a switch. I have a separate, consumer netgear switch
attached to it.

I'm assuming the Netgear swirch doesn't do snmp... maybe I'm wrong, or
maybe I could upgrade to a new switch that does have snmp? Assuming
it's not too expensive.

Holger Petersen
2007-06-12 11:14:19 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
Thanks for the response.
Post by Holger Petersen
Which Cisco-Router?
Cisco 2500
Rather small...
Post by b***@gmail.com
My router is not a switch. I have a separate, consumer netgear switch
attached to it. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
That is a problem...
Post by b***@gmail.com
I'm assuming the Netgear swirch doesn't do snmp... maybe I'm wrong
Again you are not telling any Modell-number :-(
Nor the number of ports you are needing (besides the mentioned num-
ber of hosts that you like to monitor).
Post by b***@gmail.com
maybe I could upgrade to a new switch that does have snmp?
That would be the best (if not only :-) solution. A Cisco 2850 perhaps?
Post by b***@gmail.com
it's not too expensive.
For my _private_ use, that one would be too expensive; but it is
your pocket...

Yours, Holger
Robert Singers
2007-06-17 12:00:33 UTC
Between saving the world and having a spot of tea said
Post by b***@gmail.com
Is there a way to change my MRTG configuration such that I can track
the bandwidth usage on a per-IP basis? I'm looking for something like
1 target/graph-set for each of my 8 IPs.
If the servers are snmp enabled, simply use mrtg to monitor them as well.
rob singers
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