MRTG graph remain static
(too old to reply)
2008-02-29 04:15:46 UTC
hi there..
i have problem with MRTG graph that display static data..
below are the details..

1- Setup MRTG under Fedora Core 7 (using Package Manager)
2- # cfgmaker xx.xx.xx.xx > routerA.cfg
3- Edit routerA.cfg

WorkDir: /home/httpd/htdocs/mrtg
Options[_]: bits

4- # mrtg /etc/mrtg/routerA.cfg
5- # indexmaker /etc/mrtg/routerA.cfg > /var/httpd/htdocs/mrtg/
6- cronjob = */5 * * * * env LANG=C /bin/mrtg /var/httpd/htdocs/mrtg/
7- Using web browser, the output http://localhost/mrtg/routerA.html is
as follow ::

Loading Image...

8- My actual speed is 24Mbps... Most of the time the utilization is
9- Why MRTG only show around 15-16Mbps with static graph?

Attach here with config for the routerA.cfg

# Created by
# /usr/bin/cfgmaker 2.x.x.x

### Global Config Options

# for UNIX
WorkDir: /home/httpd/htdocs/mrtg/

# or for NT
# WorkDir: c:\mrtgdata

### Global Defaults

# to get bits instead of bytes and graphs growing to the right
Options[_]: growright, bits

EnableIPv6: no

# System: test.net.my
# Description: Cisco IOS Software, xxxx Software (C3825-IPBASE-M),
Version 12.3(11)T11, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
# Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
# Copyright © 1986-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
# Compiled Thu 24-Aug-06 21:23 by dchih
# Contact:
# Location:

### Interface 1 >> Descr: 'GigabitEthernet0/0' | Name: 'Gi0/0' | Ip:
'w.x.y.z' | Eth: '00-19-30-a0-9e-a0' ###

Target[2.x.x.x_1]: 1:***@2.x.x.x:
SetEnv[2.x.x.x_1]: MRTG_INT_IP="2.x.x.x"
MaxBytes[2.x.x.x_1]: 30000000
Title[2.x.x.x_1]: Traffic Analysis for 1 -- test.tm.net.my
PageTop[2.x.x.x_1]: <h1>Traffic Analysis for 1 -- test.tm.net.my</h1>
<div id="sysdetails">
<td>test.tm.net.my in </td>
<td>GigabitEthernet0/0 To customer LAN </td>
<td>ethernetCsmacd (6)</td>
<td>Max Speed:</td>
<td>3 MBytes/s</td>
<td>2.x.x.x ()</td>
2008-04-17 23:39:33 UTC
Hi ... your cron job line is missing the username that instructs the
system to use to run mrtg interval... right before the command and
right after the time interval specification, put in root... so your /
etc/cron.d/mrtg file should read something like this

*/5 * * * * root env LANG=C /bin/mrtg /var/httpd/htdocs/mrtg/
