How to monitor various Router Info
(too old to reply)
2008-04-17 23:33:58 UTC
Dear all,

I've got MRTG monitoring switches, routers and servers traffic
perfectly fine now... I also have it monitoring the server CPU,
memory, disk , etc....

What I'd like to do is to also monitor the following

Traffic ONLY on the VPN tunnel from my site to another site
Router Utilization and errors (Cisco ASA5505) including errors,
dropped rate, intrusion, cpu, memory, etc...

I've been searching over half a day but haven't found the correct
answer... if you guys know a tutorial link, that would make me a very
happy man :) Thanks!
2008-04-18 00:15:43 UTC
Forgot to mention that I have MRTG running on a CentOS5 server with
all latest and greatest patches & fixes...

Please show me how to everything on a Cisco ASA5505. Thanks!
